
Showing posts from July, 2012


During Spring Break of this past year, my friends and I were soaking in the sun on the dock at the lake, a typical past time for Alabamians as we try to make the heat more bearable by combining it with water.  Our discussions led us to theme songs - our very own theme songs.  We talked about if we could choose one song to represent ourselves, what would it be?  Some great ones were chosen such as "Toes," "Lie in Our Graves," and even "Proud Mary."  I couldn't decide between "I Was Made for Sunny Days" and "Walking on Sunshine." So, what is a girl who loves sunshine to do in one of the wettest places around?  Make a playlist of course!   I love music, always have.  In fact, mom tells stories about me being barely able to walk while carting around a tape player.  A ridiculous amount of my "brain-space" seems to be used on remembering lyrics, or what songs were in certain movie scenes, or what songs were playing when I...