
Showing posts from December, 2013


For a year, I updated this blog every single day.  I did so religiously, and looking back at it now, I am so thrilled that I did as it is such a wonderful account of my adventure.  But, for months now, I have wanted to do one final blog entry and yet, I have not.  I am not sure what has taken me so long to write this final entry.  Perhaps it is that life quickly caught up with me and I was just busy, but I think it was actually deeper than that.  Writing this final blog entry is like closing the book on the grand adventure that I was fortunate enough to experience last year.  Perhaps I have not been ready to officially tell my year abroad goodbye. But it is at this time, Thanksgiving, that I have been flooded with warm memories of my life a year ago and I just felt compelled to finally write this last chapter. I arrived in Atlanta on August 2nd, just one day after being at what seemed like a world away - at Downton Abbey, then eating dinner with dear friends at the pub and enjo