Fulbright Teacher Exchange

I was born and raised in a small town in rural Alabama, "y'all" is in my daily vocabulary and I can't understand why more green things aren't fried, it really makes everything better.  I listen to country music and my first car was actually a pick-up truck.  I loved growing up in the country.  However, I am also very thankful that my parents instilled in me a love of travel and gave me many opportunities to visit other places and learn about other cultures.  Traveling, in my opinion, gives me a greater tolerance for differences.

After a wonderful high school experience at Indian Springs School, a school that truly taught worldly views and acceptance of others, I attended Auburn University, where I never once doubted my major.  I had wanted to be a teacher for as long as I could remember, well other than those times that I thought I could make it as a professional singer and/or dancer.  Teaching had always been a passion of mine: the opportunity to work with the next generation, teaching them skills and strategies that will help them to become true problem solvers and peace makers is an absolute joy.

When it was time for my student teaching, a wonderful opportunity presented itself, and I got the experience of living in a new place while also working with one of the best teachers I've ever had the pleasure to work with.  Halfway across the world, I settled myself in Christchurch, New Zealand for a semester.

I had always thought about teaching abroad, and seriously considered it.  However, many of the places that I looked into while I was in college required teaching experience or were two year commitments, and since I had just been so far away from home, I was not quite ready to commit to two years abroad.  So, my plan became that I would find a job in Birmingham where I would teach for a few years and then teach abroad.  That seemed simple enough.

Then, the unthinkable happened.  Right out of college, I landed my dream job.  I was hired by one of the top school systems in the state and placed in an elementary school with innovative teachers, wonderful administrators, supportive parents and truly amazing kids.  I was placed in a 4th grade classroom and quickly learned that this was the perfect grade for me: I love the curriculum and the independence of the students.  Now, how could I ever imagine leaving?

Then, in the fall of 2009, in a conversation with a dear friend and colleague, Mary Jane, I expressed my interest for teaching abroad but my fear of loosing the position I love so dearly.  She told me about the Fulbright Teacher Exchange, where teachers from different countries swap places for a year.  It was perfect!  I rushed home and researched the organization more and learned that I had just missed the application deadline by a matter of days.  Throughout the next year, I researched the organization more and spoke with administrators at my school and in the district.  The Fulbright program was set up in the 1940's after World War II as a way to increase mutual understanding between people in the US and in other countries.  What a great idea!  It wasn't just a great opportunity for me, but for my school as well!  I was thrilled with the support and encouragement from my school and school district, so by the time the following fall arrived, my lengthy application was ready to go!

Then came the waiting.  Dr. Seuss writes about the "waiting place" in Oh, the Places You'll Go! and how one should not stay there, but move on.  Well, it was hard for me to concentrate on other things and so when I got the email in the spring of 2011, six months after applying, that I had been accepted to the program, but not matched, I was heartbroken.  I inquired into why this might have happened, asking if people just didn't want to come to Alabama (I love my home and think it is the best place around, but I also know the reputation this state has elsewhere!).  I was told that the entire process is much like an online dating service, that Fulbright tries to match people on all different levels such as locations, school size, subjects taught, town size, personality, etc.

So, over the summer, I spent lots of time thinking about if I wanted to go through the stress of waiting again.  I decided I would try one more time, and man am I glad I did!  At the end of March I received an email that I would be swapping places with Kelly from Woburn Sands, England!  I could not be more thrilled!

I have no doubt that this next year will have many ups and downs along the way, but I also know that this is going to be an incredible opportunity for everybody involved.  I am so thrilled that the school I love will have the opportunity to get to know a teacher from a different country, learning from her as I know she'll learn from them.  I'm also thrilled that I will have the chance to get to know another area of the world and learn more about different teaching techniques.  I have no doubt that Kelly and I will both return to our home schools and home countries as better teachers and stronger individuals.  

Although, I am a tad concerned about going an entire year without things like fried okra or fried green tomatoes... :)


  1. it will be so much fun to keep up with your stories


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