
Life is full of hellos and good-byes, and so to begin this new adventure, we decide that a Hello/Goodbye party would be just perfect for Kelly and I.  It was a wonderful way for me to say farewell to so many friends and loved ones and a way for Kelly to meet many new faces.

The party made me realize even more so, what a life-swap this is.  Kelly and I will depend upon each other's friends and family members to help us find our way and help us make a home away from home.  I realized even more-so how incredibly blessed I am not only to have so many friends and family supporting me along my journey, but supporting Kelly through her journey as well.  They have welcomed her with open arms, just as I expected them to, and I know they will look out for her throughout the year.  For that, and for so many other things, I am incredibly thankful.

I am so excited about my trip, and eager for the journey to begin.  For months, this seemed so far away and now, I'm on the eve of my "set-sail" day.  I know I'm ready, and in all honesty, I'm not very nervous, and I have no doubt that once I get on the plane there will only be excitement that overcomes me, but right now, it is hard to say good-bye.  And thankfully with the miracles of communication, I'll even be in close contact with everyone, can you imagine when people used to set sail never knowing if they'd see or hear from their loved ones again?  That is a bravery that I cannot even begin to fathom!

Tomorrow, I set sail on my own adventure, leaving behind loved ones that enrich my life in countless ways.  I'm so very thankful for each and everyone of them and so very thankful that I'll be able to keep in touch.

Next time you hear from me, I'll be settling into my new home across the pond!


  1. I miss you already! But I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Our little group will miss you know you always bring us up a notch or two with your sunny disposition and your service to humanity!

    Much love!

  2. Sounds like you and Kelly have had a nice time together! The goodbye parts are definitely hard, but you have a great attitude about this grand adventure! Have a safe flight and see you soon!!!

  3. I'm so excited for you. And a bit envious! Ah, if only the bar associations had such a cool opportunity.

    And the lawyer in me laughed out loud at your disclaimer.


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