A Typical Day

I've had a couple of people ask me what my typical day is like.  Well, it is only day four, so I'm not really sure if I can say what is typical or not, and my schedule, or time table, is very different than what I'm accustomed to.  At my home school, I'm used to having the same kids all day, teaching the same subject at the same time each day.  Here, I teach different kids different subjects at different times of the day.  In all honesty, I think it will be great as there won't be that same subject that always  "lulls" because of the time of day, but it just takes some getting used to.

As of right now, I'm teaching my form class, for most subjects right now, including Science, Maths, English, IT (Technology), and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education).  In the next few weeks, we will be leveling the kids in all of Year 5, and from that point on, I will teach a set of Maths and a set of English to some Year 5 kids, some of whom are in my form, but many will be new to me, but I will continue to teach the other subjects to my form class.  The Year 6 class of English that I have are all roughly on the same level.  It really is nice to have a group of kids that are all very similar as far as their abilities.  A challenge in all classrooms is to reach every kid at his or her level and challenge them to go on to the next level.  When the kids all start out on a similar level, it makes tailoring my lessons to their personal needs a little bit easier.  And, I'm thrilled to get to know more of the kids since I'll be teaching many different classes!  I've just got to make sure I teach the right kids the right subject in the right room at the right time...


  1. These British teachers sure do work hard! My schedule is pretty complicated too, but looking at yours, I think you win! :) I'm impressed by your fantastic attitude! And I really do believe we'll get used to this kind of schedule soon. :)

  2. I'm with Stephaine, the British teachers do work hard!! I work hard and long hours at home, but I've never seen paperwork like they have to do!


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