The Apple Tree

I must admit, that while meeting parents of my students can be stressful, I thoroughly enjoy it.  It is absolutely amazing how meeting the parents can sometimes make you say, "Ohhhh..." and suddenly, you understand the child.  As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  This phrase often has a negative connotation, but I don't think that is necessary, it can also be a very positive thing.

Tonight, I had the pleasure of meeting the parents of my year 5 form class.  I was thrilled to see so many of them turn out on a school night to hear more about the expectations for their children.  As I introduced myself to the parents, there were many that required no introductions as theirs looks and mannerisms mirrored that of their own children.  The parents sat in the same seats that their children do, so it was even easier for me to look out amongst them and see their children in those same chairs.  The same chairs that hold children intently hanging on every word I say during the day were the same chairs  holding intent listeners this evening.  The children who are eager to talk to me during the day, had parents who were eager to talk to me tonight.

While I didn't get to truly speak with each parent there tonight, I was honored that they came, and thrilled to know that I have support as I teach their child.  It is truly a team effort, and I'm thrilled to have parental support.

The apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree.  I hope it is true for me as well, because personally, I think the two "apple trees" that raised me are pretty amazing people. 

And this little "apple" is looking more and more like his parents everyday!


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