Getting Ready for School to Start

Wow, the big day is finally upon me.  School begins tomorrow!  I'm so excited and so eager to meet the students, but certainly anxious as well.

You fellow teachers out there, certainly remember your first few weeks as a brand new teacher, or perhaps you have blocked that part of your life out (and perhaps the lack of sleep during that time helped to erase those memories).  Before school started, as a brand new teacher, all I could really think about was getting the room the way I wanted: fixing the bulletin boards, arranging the desks, arranging the file folders and deciding where to put the pencil sharpener.  The teaching aspect seemed to come along as I went.  To be honest, you are very oblivious at the beginning, not even knowing enough to ask about what it is that you don't know.

I feel sort of like a first year teacher again.  I knew it would happen, and I think in preparing myself for that feeling, I feel better (of course, this is being said before I actually start teaching, so check back with me next week!).  The difference is now that I have been teaching for several years now and feel more confident in my abilities to manage a classroom and teach the subjects.  I always have room for improvement in these areas, and I'm eager to see how I do in a change of scenery with students who may be used to being taught in different ways.  However, with the knowledge of teaching, also comes the "disappearance of the obliviousness."

I have had loads of questions, of which my fellow teachers have been amazingly patient, and gracious to answer.  Most of these questions though are things like: Where is the water fountain?  How do I turn on the smart board?  What is the code to get in the back door?  Where is so and so's office?  What is required of my lesson plans?  Etc.  These are all questions that I would have if I moved across town or to a different state as well, not just to another country.  There are also lots of differences in our terminology and leveling of students that I'll talk about soon, so those differences add to my confusion as well.

There are so many things that I hope I will learn in the next couple of weeks, but right now,  I just sort of feel like I'm getting by.  And well, keeping your head above water is the goal of your first year of teaching, and for these first few weeks at least, that will be my goal as well.

I did not stay at school late this evening.  I have not planned ahead as much as I would have liked to, but I wanted to enjoy my evening at home as I prepare for an exciting day tomorrow.  My room, my plans, and I hope myself are all ready to greet the students tomorrow - all 50 of them!  Don't worry, that is not all at the same time! :)


  1. I"ve got First Day of School butterflies in my tummy just reading this. I think your room looks perfect and I love love the blue chairs!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes. Kock em dead! ( Well not literally!)


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