One Month

As of today, I've been living in the UK for one month - wow!  Where did all of the time go?!  To celebrate my one month of being in this beautiful little village, I decided to do normal, "home" things including a walk, some errands, going to a fair in the park and organizing some drawers, and it was absolutely perfect.

I woke up this morning to a glorious sunny day with blue skies and decided to take full advantage of it with a walk.  I really haven't been for a real walk since I've been here, at least not one that was intended for exercise on my own.  At home, going for a walk is something I do very frequently, and in all honesty, I don't know what took me so long, but it was absolutely lovely!

I found a back gate out of the estate (neighborhood) that I live in, with a lovely path that went along the outskirts of Woburn Sands.  I had a general plan for the direction I wanted to walk today - I'm a planner, so I needed something, but as I set out, I decided there was no real way that I could get too far away and decided I'd follow where my feet chose to lead today.  It's amazing how far I can go in so little distance in this lovely little village: from the outskirts of Woburn Sands, through the outskirts of two others and through some very lovely woods!  I even opted to take a public footpath that ended up right in the middle of the golf course.  As it was a lovely morning, there were many golfers out there, and I decided it might be safer that I return back to the road.  After all, the upbeat music in my headphones could have covered up a call of "fore!"

This image actually made me laugh out loud on my walk.
I was very sorry no one was there to take my photo as I stood
on the white line at the edge of the road and easily put my
other foot on the center line.

It's amazing what a walk does for me, and I was really sort of upset with myself for not doing it earlier. I feel so much stronger, happier and healthier.  It is so refreshing and a wonderful way to clear my mind.  While the days are still pretty long, I need to do more of them!

I also had a very successful trip to the grocery store today.  I know that "successful" sounds like an odd word to attach to a trip to the grocery store, but it was.  Take lemon juice for instance.  At home, it is typically found with the lemons in the produce section.  I had looked for lemon juice on multiple trips before.  I checked produce, spices and oils, but could not find it.  Today, after finding and asking two different, very pleasant, Tesco employees, I found it!  It was with the baking things, not far from the flour I bought last week.  It's amazing how big some of those small victories and accomplishments can feel!

The Tesco that I've been going to is a huge store, much more similar to a Wal-Mart Super Center than my little Publix.  I've been very pleased with the selection, the prices and the people when I've been.  But it must be even greater than I thought, considering the celebrities who travel many-a-miles to shop there too!  :)  Just one more reason I feel very thankful to be where I am!


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