A Reunion in London

Ten and a half years ago, I graduated with forty eight friends from a small high school in Alabama. Just over four years ago, my sorority sisters and I were touring Europe together. We were only in Vienna for about 36 hours, but during that time, I was able to reconnect with a fellow graduate of Indian Springs, Chris, who gave us a fabulous, whirl-wind tour of the city. Chris was actually working through Fulbright at the time-who knew?

Now, Chris is living in London, and since he had made such a wonderful tour guide before, I decided to take advantage of his generous offer and come down for the weekend!

We walked all around London on a gorgeous, sunny October afternoon before stopping in to the London Museum, a great overview of the history of the city from Roman Times through plagues and wars and into modern day. Apparently the population of London was actually larger in 1939 than it is now, in great part because so many fled the city during WWII.

We ended the evening with a violin and piano concert at a beautiful hall and then dinner at a fantastic French restaurant where I had zucchini and dill pancakes stuffed with pumpkin!

For now, I'm glad Chris is just a short train ride away, but I certainly wouldn't mind if he chose to move to another interesting spot where I can come visit! What a joy to know that even from such a small school, we can make connections around the world!


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