Parents' Evening

I had a great, busy day at school today - rescued a frog who had foolishly wandered into the locker room, had new students come to the knitting club (including one boy!), and then met with about 25 sets of parents!

I am used to meeting with parents about this time of year at home and it really is a good chance for us to touch base.  The year is getting into full swing, we are starting to get to know the kids really well, seeing their talents and their struggles.  Rarely do I come across a parent who is truly frustrated - most are very supportive and eager to ensure the year goes well for their child.  It was no different here.  The parents were very supportive and I was thrilled to hear that most of the children seem to be settling into the middle school well - enjoying their classes and happy to be at school.  Many of the parents went out of their way to ask me how I was enjoying England, and one even asked to make sure I had plans for Christmas.  

Many teachers complain about parent conferences, but in all honesty, besides the exhaustion that seems to go along with it, I thoroughly enjoy it: meeting the parents helps to make sense of the children and it is always good to know that educating the child is truly a team effort.

Now though, I'm enjoying a cup of home made hot fruit juice - a treat that I usually make around Christmas time, you know, when it is cold.  But it's reached that point here... :)


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