War Eagle

I bleed orange and blue. It's something I cannot hide and something I'm incredibly proud of. Even in these trying times, I'm proud to be an Auburn fan!

Six years ago, when I was in New Zealand, I introduced the kids to Aubie, and they absolutely loved him. I took a mini stuffed Aubie who got to spend each day with a different pupil and then they wrote in his journal about all of his adventures. He was a member of the family-the kids were always aware of where he was and wanted to make sure he was included. We watched videos of him competing for his own National Championships and the kids just couldn't get enough.

This afternoon in American Studies, I taught the kids all about American football! We had a blast! They knew a good bit and were curious about the other bits. After the discussion about the general rules, I showed clips of a game and decided that showing the best game I've ever witnessed, one of the happiest moments in my life, would of course be the best to show: the game almost two years ago when Auburn won the National Championship.

Then we talked about the NFL and college football, and I made sure the students realized that the SEC is the best conference in the country. I was honest with the kids, which was kind of difficult, but I admitted that our biggest rivals is one of the best teams around and that Auburn was doing poorly this year (obviously missing the support of this Tiger). But then, I went in for the kill...:)

I showed them videos of the band, Toomer's corner after a win, the team, read the story of War Eagle and showed them videos of Aubie. The middle school boys, who are normally too cool to act all-to-interested, were in stitches watching Aubie and pleaded to watch more of our love-able tiger!

They played a board game that I invented on a print out of a football field with a paper football, a yellow strip of paper to mark the ten yards, helmets of the SEC teams to represent their team, cards that told them what happened on the play (gain of 5, interception, touchdown, etc.) and even a US penny to flip for who started the game. It was a big hit!

The lesson was great and I had a blast with the kids this afternoon, but the best part was the end of the lesson when I gave the kids trinkets that Auburn had given me to share and the kids responded with loud, enthusiastic cries of "War Eagle!" Many even came back by the windows to shout out that beloved battle cry! I nearly cried, it was just so beautiful!


  1. I hope you had a video of the eagle flying before football games in the stadium....that is one of the most awesome sights I have ever seen!! I know your students would love it, too.....

  2. Rebecca, I am following your blog and want you to know how much I am enjoying it. I would love to be one of your students if you accept grandma's. You're a wonderful and intersting writer and teacher. Sandy in Pell City, AL


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