Peanut Butter

If you know me at all, you know my daily ritual includes a peanut butter and honey sandwich and has for as long as I can remember. My mother would make it with just the right consistency and pop it in my pink Strawberry Shortcake lunchbox while at Highlands Day School, my college roommates recall me pulling out my tray for lunch to make myself this delicious sandwich and my fellow fourth grade teachers were always amused at the lack of variety in the lunches I have packed for myself for the past six years.

Before my trip, I had heard some horror stories about England-that they didn't have peanut butter!  I know, it's not quite the kind of horror story that Stephen King would right about, but nevertheless, I lost some sleep over it.

Kelly assured me though that there was peanut butter here. So the change to move across the Atlantic was no big deal since I didn't have to worry about changing my daily meal.

We as Americans seem to love our peanut butter-it's in everything!  Ice cream, chocolate, candy, cereal, cakes, cookies, milk shakes-we are proud of George Washington Carver!  Here, I have only found a few jars in the grocery store. Now, don't get me wrong, even the smallest of stores has a few jars, but besides those few jars, I haven't found anything else (yet!) with that glorious flavoring.

I just might make it my mission to help the people of this great land realize what it is they are missing. A few weeks ago, I made puppy chow (chocolate, peanut butter and Chex cereal covered in powdered sugar) which turned out to be a huge hit and last night, I made peanut butter cookies! The staff seemed to enjoy them, but my American Pop Culture class absolutely loved them! Many of them took home the recipe, so here's hoping that my one-woman mission spreads rapidly throughout this little village!

I did make one small (or perhaps large) mistake in baking the cookies last night... My favorite recipe for peanut butter cookies actually includes bits of Nutter Butters in it, but those are not to be found here, so I had to find a brand new recipe online.  My mistake came in the fact that I was baking a brand new recipe and decided to triple the recipe...

Needless to say, after nearly 100 cookies, at midnight I decided to call it quits and put the rest of the dough in the fridge to be baked later on!


  1. You have an American Pop Culture Class? Tell me more!

    1. The middle school where I teach has a Friday afternoon enrichment class for the older kids. I am teaching one all about America!


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