Fancy Dress Walk

Two weeks ago, in an assembly, one of the administrators talked to the kids about Fancy Dress Walk.  I just sort of smiled and shook my head as I had no real idea of what he was talking about.  All I could picture was girls dressed up in fancy, Victorian style dresses walking around the field and everyone else lined along the side cheering them on.  Then, he described how there would be an award for the best dressed boy and girl in each year group.  I was pretty impressed that boys would even participate in a fancy dress walk.

There have been times this year that I have smiled and nodded during a meeting, and then in the company of just one or two, later asked questions.  So, that's what I did again this time.  Fancy dress is just another term for "dress-up" or costumes.  Dressing up is apparently quite a popular thing here, even though it is not done on Halloween nearly like it is done at home.  The Fancy Dress Walk is actually one of the school's biggest fundraisers.  Students ask family members and neighbors to sponsor them to walk for 75 minutes around the school yard all dressed up, and we just make an afternoon of it!

It was all very new and different for me, especially the bit about all of the kids changing clothes (completely) in the classroom - don't worry, the boys and girls were in separate rooms!  At my school at home, I feel like we do a whole lot of fun things, and special events, but wearing costumes for an hour and a half of walking, dancing, and running around the field with your friends is not something we typically do.

 Of course I can't post photos of the students, but I was pretty sure these two were alright! :)

The Year 5 Team
It was brilliant!  I loved being able to be with the kids, and just have fun with them.  I loved to see their creative costumes as their true personalities seemed to shine through.  There were astronauts, babies, pandas, zombies, football players, police officers, cats, bumble bees, monsters, Men in Black, and even a lovely flower.  The school radio club provided entertainment for the afternoon while kids laughed and danced about.  I'm not positive how much money was raised, but from what I could tell, it was a huge success!  What a fun way to spend a Friday afternoon!

I was thankful to have a group who wanted to dress up together!  And the kids got a bit kick out of the fact that the American teacher was dressed as a cowgirl.  One even told me I'd have to "talk American" for the afternoon!


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