Festive London

While planning my year abroad, I decided that one of the things I really wanted to do was see London all lit up for Christmas, so today, my parents and I took the train to London and wandered through the city. It was absolutely gorgeous and I'm thrilled we took the time to go see the energetic city all decked out!

We started at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, then went to Harrods, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, a Christmas market on the South Bank, Covent Garden and then the "shopping" streets. The streets were busy and bustling with herds of happy shoppers while the lights twinkled up above.

It was a wonderful way to enjoy the season!


  1. Great pictures from London. You are a brave soul if the crowds at Harrods did not give you claustrophobia.

  2. For some reason, your dad looks like Charles Dickens in these pics. What fun!


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