The Quiz...

A few weeks ago, the PTA had a quiz night to raise money for the school.  The Brits love their pub quizzes, and although this one was not at a pub, the trivia game still had the same idea.  The game is played in a team and you are not allowed to use your phone - in any way.  So there is no phone a friend nor can you use a smart phone to look up any answers on the internet.

This quiz had an American flare to it, I even got to contribute of the questions to the quiz, but other than those, I had trouble contributing any answers!

See how well you would do... I will wait and post the answers in a few days, so you can't cheat! :)

Round 1: Popular Culture

1.         In which Stately home would you find Mr Bates and Mrs Patmore amongst the staff?       
2.         Surely you all remember Cagney & Lacey but what were their first names ?
3.         TOWIE, CNN, CSI. & TOTP are acronyms associated with US and UK tv. What do TOWIE and CNN stand for?
4.         Which American cultural icon said “if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way."
5.         Which Soap opera was created by Tony Warren and first broadcast in 1960?
6.         A well known board game has American editions famous for its stylish box art. Can you name the six murder weapons and what the game is called in the US ?
7.         Who is the head cheerleading coach William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio ? 
8.         Los Angeles, London, Manchester and New York all have a Chinatwon district. But can you name the 6 animals of the Chinese Zodiac. All 12 for a bonus point?

9.         Julia Roberts won the Oscar for Best Actress in 2001, but for which film?      
10.       Which seaside town is famous for its boardwalk and gambling New Yorkers?

Round 2: Sport

1.     How many more gold medals did the US win than team GB at the London Summer Olympics (not Paralympics)?  Margin error of 2.

2.     Michael Phelps golds, plus Chris Hoy golds ( margin of error 1 either side) ?

3.     Which cities host the 4 tennis grand slams?

4.     Red Sox, White Sox – In which cities are they based ?

5.     Who played the winning putt in this years Ryder Cup?

6.     A number of famous footballers have had stints playing soccer stateside but which 3 teams did
Rodney Marsh, David Beckham and Pele play for ( all 3 for1 point) ?

7.     Who won last weeks US Grand Prix and in which state was it held ( 1 point for each) ?

8.     When Tony Hawk performs an Ollie or a kickflip which sport is he participating in?

9.     How old was Mike Tyson when he became the World Heavyweight Champion?

10.  Who won the World Table Tennis Championship in 1929 and then went on to become one of Britain’s most successful and well known sportsmen and then became a naturalised US citizen?

Round 3: The written word

1.    Which Manchester born journalist linked the US and the UK 2,864 times over 58 years ?

2.    A Street Care Named Desire and Glass Menagerie are plays by which American dramatist ?
3.    Maya and Sylvia. Can you give the surnames of these three highly regarded American poets ?
4.    Which author created the detective Phillip Marlowe who appears in The Big Sleep, Farewell my Lovely amongst other novels?
5.    Whose cook books include Toast and Appetite?
6.     In which century was the phrase 'what the dickens' first used? 

7.     What is the first name of the author of The Great Gatsby?

8.     The title of which 1961 Joseph Heller novel has passed into common usage ?

9.     Name the Caribbean home of spy turned novelist Ian Fleming.

10.  Which fat, good-natured braggart appears in Shakespeare’s Henry IV Parts I and II and The Merry Wives of Windsor?

Round 4: Thanksgiving

1. When was the first Thanksgiving? 1421, 1521, 1621 or 1721

2. In what city and/or state was the very first Thanksgiving?

3. What other country celebrates Thanksgiving and in which month (2 marks) ?

4. Name three traditional side items for the Thanksgiving meal ( 3 marks).

5. Which president set Thanksgiving as a National holiday? 

6. Each year at Thanksgiving, the president performs a special act. What does he do?

7. Which department store sponsors the famous Thanksgiving Day Parade that happens each year in New York City? 

8. The day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year in the US. What is it called?

9. Which long running US series always had a special thanksgiving episode and why?

 Round 5: Young at Heart

1. Which children’s characters friends include Tutter, Pip and Pop and Treelo?

2. In which year was the first episode of Jackanory aired?

3. What is the usual American word for nappies and dummy ?

4. What is the name of the 12 year old hero of the Beast Quest series of books?

5. On which website would you collect Puffles?

6. All the royalties of which famous children’s book go to Great Ormond Street Hospital? 

7. What was the name of Morph’s cheeky cousin?

8. What sort of animal is Curious George?

9.Which model turned chef became the heroine of The BFG

Round 6: People and Places

1. Which American's influential life is celebrated with a national holiday in January? 

2. The statue of Liberty was a gift from which country? 

3. What is the place Americans remember for a December day as the “day that will live in infamy”? 

4. In what year did seamstress Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama bus, thereby helping to initiate the US Civil Rights movement? 1951, 1955, 1959, 1961 

5.  Singer Alicia Keys gave birth to her first child last October. After which country did she name it?

6. Can you name five of Michael Jackson’s nine siblings?

7. General knowledge… Which conflicts are the following Generals most associated General Lee and General Schwarzkopf.

8. Who famously said "Where there is discord may we bring harmony, where there is despair my we bring hope". 

9. Five of the world's growing economies are know by the acronym of the BRICK nations. Can you name them all?

10. Which British town has just launched its own perfume, which is said to have hints of Marmite and Branston Pickle? 


1. Which state are the Twilight stories set in?

2. What state did Forest Gump call home?
3.  “The Surrey with the Fringe on Top,” “Oh! What a Beautiful Mornin’” and “The Farmer and Cowman.” Which State?
4. Where is the rock ‘n roll hall of fame?
5.Which state always holds the first primaries of the US election?
Which states mottoes:
6. Live free or die 
7.The Sunshine State 
9. With God all things are possible
10. North to the Future

11.     What is the oldest state?

12.     What is the newset state?

13.     Which state has the largest population?

14.     Which state has the smallest population? 

15.     Mt. Rushmore, the mountainside with the carvings of president’s faces is found in which state? 
16.     Which state was Liberty Bell the first slot machine created?
17.  Which states does Route 66 start and end in?

18. Which State does Bill Clinton come from ?

19. In which state was the first cheeseburger served in 1934 ?
20. Which state was named in honour of Elizabeth 1?

So... how'd you do?  Feeling dumb yet? :)


  1. That was tough! Here are my guesses:

    Popular Culture

    1. Downton Abbey
    2. No idea
    3. CNN – Cable News Network, TOWIE I don’t know
    4. Homer Simpson
    5. Days of Our Lives?
    6. Clue – knife, revolver, candlestick, pipe, rope.... what is the other?
    7. Sue Sylvester
    8. Monkey, Tiger, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, Bear, Ox...?
    9. Erin Brokovich?
    10. Atlantic City

  2. Written Word

    1. Huh?
    2. Tennessee Williams
    3. Angelou, Plath
    4. No idea
    5. Gordon Ramsay?
    6. I’m guessing Shakespeare had something to do with this so... late 16th or early 17th century
    7. F.? Haha, just kidding. Was it Frances?
    8. Catch-22?
    9. Hmmm... I feel like I should know this... half-credit for knowing he wrote the Bond novels?
    10. Hmmm... again, I feel like I should know this...


    1. 1521?
    2. Plymouth?
    3. Canada... October?
    4. Dressing, Green Bean Casserole, Cranberry Sauce, a Nap
    5. Lincoln
    6. Pardons a turkey
    7. Macy’s
    8. Black Friday
    9. Not sure...


  3. Young at Heart

    1. No idea
    2. Jacka-who?
    3. Diaper and I guess maybe a bib?
    4. ? I’m beginning to feel old...
    5. ....
    6. Tales of Beedle the Bard?
    7. I got excited because I thought this was about Mork & Mindy... alas...
    8. Monkey (finally, one I know in this category)
    9. Again, ?

    People and Places

    1. Martin Luther King, Jr.
    2. France
    3. Pearl Harbor
    4. 1955
    5. ?
    6. Latoya, Janet, Jackie, Jermaine...
    7. Lee – Civil War... Schwarzkopf... I don’t know
    8. St. Francis of Assisi (I assume, that’s what the prayer is called...)
    9. Brazil, India, China... Russia maybe?
    10. Pickles, really?


    1. Washington and Arizona
    2. Alabama
    3. Oklahoma
    4. Ohio
    5. New Hampshire
    6. Also New Hampshire?
    7. Florida
    8. Alaska?
    9. Texas?
    10. North Dakota? Or maybe Alaska?
    11. Delaware
    12. Hawaii
    13. California
    14. Rhode Island?
    15. South Dakota
    16. No idea... New Jersey?
    17. California and Ohio maybe?
    18. Arkansas
    19. Pennsylvania?
    20. Gonna go with Virginia, although Maryland would be my next choice

  4. I'm thoroughly impressed! I'll post the answers later this week! :)


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