In June?

My parents and I love daffodils, so much that we often throw daffodil parties in March just to celebrate their arrival. There are so many different ones besides just the bright yellow jonquils. Every year we try to challenge ourselves to choose a favorite. I think I have mine narrowed down to a couple, but I love them all, it's hard to pick just one! My mom is the same way, reaching for each new variation, exclaiming, "Oh, I love this one!" But she does have a favorite, one that's more rare and usually has to be sought out amongst all of the other lovelies.

About ten years ago, my mom was in the hospital for two weeks in March. I was out picking some daffodils to take to her room when I came across one of her favorite ones. I was so thrilled and knew that it was especially precious as that variety is typically one of the last to bloom, usually in April. Finding that one little spark of hope was something we both needed then!

I, since I couldn't help and not do it, bought and planted bulbs this year in pots on my balcony. In April and May, they finally showed their little yellow faces and I was thrilled to see them.

On Sunday, while I was on the couch, busily typing lesson plans, I caught a glimpse of something white on my balcony, not the dove, but a blossom. This morning, I found four of my mom's favorite open in full bloom! What a glorious surprise! 

This little flower brought joy to me when it bloomed early those years ago, and this week, it again brought me joy by surprising me so late!


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