
After a full day at the zoo, dinner and an energetic disco, we were all shattered. However, we couldn't miss out on our last night of games! I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing the kids outside of school and watching them interact with one another, but one of the things I've enjoyed the most is getting to know my fellow colleagues even better. 

Each night, after the kids have quieted down, we've gone downstairs and made loads of noise. The first game we played was Spoons, that lively game that takes so much skill! It was a favorite of mine for a long while, but I haven't played it since being on a mission trip in Panama a few years ago. Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I introduced them to some of my favorite group games: Taboo and Apples to Apples. We rounded out the week tonight with the new favorite: Taboo. We stayed up far too late and were surely much too loud as we laughed until we cried. We were able to use shared experiences to prompt on our teammates and make connections to words that no one else would get.

I feel so very blessed to have been placed at Fulbrook where I have had the opportunity to get to know an amazing, fun-loving group of people!


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