
This morning, I walked down to St. George's Market, a place bustling early on a Sunday morning with shoppers and vendors.

The market has been here for years as indicated by the lovely little statue out front of Alec the Goose "a former patron of St George's Market" from the 1920s. Having raised geese in the past, I know what affectionate creatures they can be (along with being loud and messy); I can only imagine seeing him wander through the stalls that were selling freshly baked breads, flowers, eggs and who knows, possibly a butcher selling some of Alec's family members! What a lovely image to think of this wee goose wandering about making friends with the vendors and surprising the customers.

Today, there were about 50 stalls in this covered market square selling a wide variety of items from cupcakes to knitted hats to vintage tea cups to smoothies to homemade jams. I made several purchase: gifts for a few people and a couple of bits for myself. My favorite purchase was a necklace with a favorite quote from JRR Tolkien. It's a quote that speaks to me, and I believe all of my fellow Fulbrighters. It reminds me that I went off searching for something this year, not because something was missing in my life, but just to see what else there was to be seen out there in the world. 


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