St. Andrews

Turtle has been a great sport this week, going along with our trips to Harry Potter, afternoon tea and the like, so today was his well-deserved day. We drove about an hour and a half north to the small town known world-wide for its golf courses. I am not a golfer, in any sense of the word, but the course, wedged between old stone buildings and the beautiful sandy beaches is truly picturesque.

Amidst the precise greens, beautiful clubhouses, caddie huts with Rolex clocks, high-dollar golf clothing shops and professional golfers, there is also a "putt-putt" course.  I'm not sure if that is what it is technically called, but that is what it was.  Only, the obstacles in this course were simply small hills and valleys rather than windmills or plastic alligators.  So, just to say that we had played golf at St. Andrews, we paid the two pounds and putted the nine-hole course.  I'm not a sporty girl at all, and I learned today that that included golf.  But I still had a blast, and with just a little bit of imagination, it looked like we were shooting into the 18th hole on the old course at St. Andrews, as our 9-hole putting adventure was up next to the professional golfers finishing their game.

We ended up with beautiful weather that supported gorgeous views on our travels along the coast back to Edinburgh.

We southerners know it is not a real vacation until you've played putt-putt golf at the beach, and well, that's what we vacationers did today! ;)


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