Typical Tuesday

It was just your typical Tuesday. I woke up a little before my 6:30 alarm clock, climbed down the bunk ladder, showered and got ready. Just your typical morning routine.

Then, it was knocking on doors, waking up 9-and-10-year-old girls, helping to sort breakfast for 66 children, distribute pocket money, pack lunches then a brief walk to a discovery park called Conkers.

It was, again, just a typical day where we built shelters, fires and scooters. A usual day of sliding down slides so dark you're not sure which end is up, learning facts about the forest, and playing on a playground.

After that, a lady brought her birds of prey to meet us, and as usual, a falcon flew to me, landed on my arm and ate the raw chicken from my hand.

Dinner, as typical was a three course meal that I neither had to prepare nor clean up.

It was that typical day where when given the choice of crafts or sport, as many boys chose to make God's eyes as girls.

Comforting a few homesick babes and knocking on doors about lights out is a typical nighttime routine, is it not?

And of course sharing lots of laughs with my amazing colleagues as I introduce them to the game of Taboo, even as it ate into our sleep time is part of a normal day.

So, what was your typical Tuesday in the office like?


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