
Today, the pupils were asked to wear pink showing their support for Race for Life. Man, did they deck out in pink! Many were head to toe pink and some even sprayed their hair pink. I love seeing the kids all decked out, united in one color for one cause. Pupils brought in money as a donation and other things like cakes, crafts, ice cream and sweets were all for sale. The afternoon was spent walking around the school in the beautiful sunshine while listening to fun music. The children wore the names of friends and loved ones on their shirts who had fought or are fighting cancer. It was a truly lovely afternoon, and so much fun to see everyone join together for such an important cause. In the end, the school raised nearly £1,000! 
I wore the name of my grandparents, both of whom were incredible examples of strength, patience, perseverance and unconditional love. There are so many people I know who have or have had cancer, and I thought of each of them today as I walked loops around the school with my class. 


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