Apples to Apples

Tonight, I did something that I often do at home, but haven't yet done here. I invited the staff to a game night at my flat. We ordered pizza, chatted and then played Apples to Apples. It's a game we play fairly frequently at home, but I was unable to find here. Thankfully my mom was kind enough to mail me the game.

It's a fun way to keep people entertained and interacting. We had such a fun evening-even on a school night! There was lots of catching up to do, many laughs shared and wonderfully sarcastic comments that can only come from a group of people who thoroughly enjoy one another. It was just lovely!

My new friends here added a bit of a twist to the game and decided that the cards you won described you. I decided I rather liked that, considering what the first three cards I won were, but I won't tell you about my last three... :)


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