Decades Day

Once a term, we throw out the regular schedule and hold a Super Learning Day.  On this day, we teach the kids about a special topic and do it in a fun way.  Today, the Year 5 team decided to do Decades Day.  Each class studied a different decade (60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s) throughout the day, looking at the music, fashion, TV shows, famous people and even computer games of the day.  The kids dressed up in outfits that you might find in one of these decades and I must say, they went all out!  The kids looked fantastic!  Most of them chose the 80s as I believe those fashion trends are coming back into style so the accessories were easy to find and enjoyable to wear.
Some of my girls and their fabulously 80s outfits, including the "leg socks" as my boys called them.

To end our day of super-fun-learning, we had a cat walk where the kids paraded around showing off their outfits while dancing to music of the day.

The teachers, of course, had to get in on the fun, too!
It was a wonderful way to spend a Tuesday - out of the ordinary and lots of fun!


  1. Oh my God, we look so young! Miss you loads, Carrie x


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