It's Official

There is now an end date to this adventure.  There are some days when I'm eager to get home and some days when I really can't imagine leaving the life I've created here and the bonds that I've formed.  There are some days that four and a half months sounds like eternity, and some days when it seems like I have so much more to see and do that couldn't possibly fit into that time frame.

After seven months (it was seven months ago today that I boarded my flight), I feel like I'm truly in the groove of things.  School seems to roll more and more smoothly, friends I've made are becoming closer and I am quite settled into my new routines.  I know I still have lots of time left, but I also know that that time will fly by, just as the last seven months have.  I am in absolutely no rush to be home, but I know I'll be very happy to be home when the time comes.

In arranging my ticket this far in advance, I feel I'm giving my friends and family back home plenty of time to do some planning:



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