Cereal Box Treasures

How many of you can remember digging to the bottom of the cereal box to get to the treasure long before the bag had emptied of its contents? Or perhaps you even bought a box of cereal for the cheap, plastic, easily broken toy? We've all done it, I'm pretty sure it's part of childhood to enjoy, way too much perhaps, the treasure that awaits you at the bottom of the box of Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms. But who would expect to find a treasure in a box of Grape Nuts?

On Monday morning, I went off to school and my parents had a couple of hours at my flat before they left, and well, they stayed busy! The past couple of days, I've found notes in my lunchbox, under the iron, on my bed, in a bathroom drawer, in bowls, written on my page-a-day calendar, and tonight, as I poured my Grape Nuts a little, folded piece of paper fell into my bowl.

It's those little, thoughtful things that make a huge difference in our lives!


  1. That's the sweetest thing. Your parents are such sweet, wonderful people! Glad you all had a great Christmas holiday together abroad!

  2. No wonder you are the fabulous person you are, raised by fab parents!


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