Climb Ev'ry Mountain

Mother Abbess told Maria (in song) to: "Climb every mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, 'Till you find your dream."

Now, I have in absolutely no way climbed every mountain I've come across, but there is something I love about climbing! I've climbed just about every tower I've come across. In fact, I will admit that a few years ago when traveling through Europe with friends, I just about killed them, dragging them up every tower we came across: Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, St. Peter's, The Duomo, the bell tower at St. Mark's, and even the hill behind the abbey where Maria once lived. During this trip, I've climbed to the top of the Durham Cathedral, "mountains" in the Lake District, the Abbey in Bath, towers in multiple castles and today, I added a new height to my list! Today we climbed to the top of York Minster, an incredible cathedral over 500 years old, in the middle of the little city (it's a city because there is a cathedral here) of York.

I've already found lots of my dreams. Perhaps it is because I climb-so why should I stop?


  1. You climbed the mountain from Sound of Music?! AWESOME. I hope you twirled around while belting out the song. Now that I think ab this, I may have already known this, but still-AWESOME.

    1. Well... yes and no! The scene of her on the hill was not actually just behind the abbey. I'm not really sure anyone knows where it is. Our guide when we were there took us out to a big beautiful field in the hills and let us twirl about. The abbey where Maria lived is up on a hill though overlooking Salzburg and I hiked up there! :)

  2. I've been at the top of York Minster -- at night! But I notice that they now have a fence around it. That was not there in 1986!


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