
The first time I walked to school in the snow, back in early December, I thought, yes, I need to find a good pair of Wellies (rain boots).  But after walking to and from school lately, I've decided that skates would be a much more logical choice.  In case you were unaware, when snow is packed really hard over the course of a few days, it actually becomes solid ice.  So, I think ice skates just might be my next purchase!  How fun would that be?  Instead of telling my grandchildren that I walked uphill both ways in the snow, I can say that I skated uphill both ways in the snow! :)

I am truly amazed at the amount of snow that is still present.  We have had a couple of little flurries this week, nothing that really accumulated, so that means the last real snow we had was last weekend and it is almost Friday and the field and playground area are still a solid sheet of snow and ice several inches thick!  I believe we are even predicted to get some accumulation tomorrow night!
I meant to take a photo of the white field at school, but forgot before it was dark!  So, this is from my window, looking out at the icy road!
To be fair, it does get this cold in Alabama, and it does snow, but who knew snow could last so long?


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