Snowmen to the Rescue!

The snow is expected to melt this weekend as temps begin to rise above freezing. Now the concern is, what will happen to all of the melted snow? Forecasters are concerned that there could be flooding as the snow melts, so they have suggested everyone build a snowman. Yes, you read that correctly. I have no doubt that their plea was a sense of good humor mixed with truth. Since snowmen melt slower than snow scattered about on the ground, their hope was for the snowmen to help spread out the melting snow. Who knew Frosty could save a country from flooding? I'm just sorry I didn't make more snowmen!

The photos below are of a snowman that is still standing in my car park, and the field and the playground area still covered in ice and snow-so beautiful and white!


  1. One of our teacher's aides was just telling me about that after school today. We were pleased to see our playground covered with snowmen, so our kids did their part!


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