6 Months

Today, the 15th of February is the sixth month anniversary of me being in England.  I am officially more than half way through my time here in this beautiful country.  I cannot believe how quickly the time has flown and I have no doubt that the next five and a half months will fly by even faster which in all honesty, scares me.  There are days when I really miss home, time that I wish I could just pop over to see family and friends, and special events that I wish I could be present for.  But then, most of the time, I think about how incredibly thankful I am for this experience and how it is flying by way too quickly.  There is still so much that I want to see and do, and as a teacher there is still so much I feel I have left to teach and to pass on to my pupils.  I guess there is very little chance that I'll get to do everything I wish to do in the fleeting time that I have left, but as for now, I'll keep living life to the fullest and doing as much as I possibly can.  That's all we can ever hope for, right?


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