Painting Pottery

Today, I was home on a weekday that I was not in school!  It was quite the rare occasion, so I certainly made the most of it.  I walked up to the High Street to do a little bit of shopping.  There are several very cute shops downtown, but as they are usually closed by the time I'm leaving school and I'm very rarely at home on the weekends, I really hadn't had a chance to go in them.

I started with a cute little clothes store where I found a couple of dresses and tried on a shirt that was actually a map of the southeastern United States!  Had the shirt been a different color, or less focused on Georgia, I would have bought it just for the sake of it, but I resisted.  Then I went into the cute little knitting shop where I picked up a bit of yarn that I hope to turn into a scarf for myself.  I have done VERY little knitting here, so I'm hoping the new wool might be a little inspiration to me.

For the afternoon, I went with my wonderful neighbor and her daughter to a pottery painting place.  When I was at Auburn University, there was a pottery painting place and I must admit that I spent far too much time there.  I loved the blank canvas and the tranquility of just painting.  My friends and I enjoyed some celebrations there as well as some "letting off steam" or "forget about studying" times.  There is now a pottery place close to my home school and as a fundraiser, the fourth grade teachers and I usually each take a kid to paint pottery.  It is a lot of fun, a great way to spend an afternoon and a wonderful way to create a keepsake.

I felt quite at home at The Pottery Project, hearing the instructions, choosing the paint colors, feeling the way the paint seeps into the pottery, etc.  I will say that this pottery place had a great asset that none of the others I had been in had - a cafe.  What an ingenious idea to serve soup, sandwiches, cookies, coffees and teas at the pottery place!

Pam and I, and her wee little Molly enjoyed our afternoon of creating and visiting.  I enjoyed getting a few cuddles from this sweet little one, a simple joy from my young cousins that I really miss.

Pam and Molly created some beautiful treasures and I, too, created a plate that I hope to take home as a keepsake, a memory of this year long experience!

I can't wait to see what it looks like glazed and fired!


  1. Im so jealous that you got Molly cuddles, she is my gorgeous little niece. Hope you are enjoying your time here, take care and all the best. Jolene (Pamelas sister) xxx


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