
You know fires can be mesmerizing? You know how there is something that just fascinates you and almost sucks you in? It's one of those things you can't tear your eyes away from.

I've decided for me that plane windows are the same. Whenever possible, I try to book a window seat, even knowing I may have to crawl over people to get in and out of my seat. I absolutely love watching as we soar above the birds, the sky scrapers and often even the clouds. Leaving London this morning, I left dense fog and drizzle, but it was only a matter of a few minutes before we had cleared the clouds and discovered a bright blue sky. I had the urge to leap onto the fluffy clouds, knowing fully well that I would fall right through them, but yet still having that strong desire to give it a try.

I soon found the landscape drastically different: green patches of fields with spotted clouds as if they were painted dots in a neat row. And just as soon as I noticed that landscape, suddenly it changed again into patches of white, snow covered fields.

Soon after boarding my second plane of the day, in Vienna, headed for Sarajevo, a snow storm appeared, blurring my vision of the huge airport just yards away. It was so bad in fact, that before we could take off, they had to de-ice the plane. This was another fascination outside my window-something I'd never witnessed before as they sprayed orange them clear then yellow liquid over the wings.

I've flown a lot in the last two weeks, but the view is always different and always fascinating!


  1. I feel the same way about the window seat! I love to stare out the window and watch the landscape or clouds go by...


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