History and Haggling

There are some things I feel that I know a lot about and then there are times when I realize the more I learn, the less I know. I have been very fortunate in my life to have had some wonderful, inspiring history teachers who have taught me so much about the world around me. However, I realize there is so much history of this great world that either I have forgotten, or perhaps I never knew. I have learned so much in the last couple of days about Sarajevo and I still feel I have so much to learn.

Leslie has been a wonderful tour guide. She has become very knowledgable about the history and culture of this region and has graciously shared her knowledge with me, one who has felt so incredibly ignorant.

To increase my knowledge of the area, I also visited two museums today and I feel like I have a pretty firm grip on the BASICS. I've enjoyed learning more and getting a grasp on the history of this nation that has been so torn apart for so many years.

I also walked back through the street markets today, determined to find a small keepsake, preferably a copper one as that seems to be very popular and a very common art form. I searched and found a beautiful small plaque that I thought was just perfect. I was determined not to be taken advantage of even though I was clearly the tourist. So, prepared to haggle, I asked how much and when he said "5 marks," well I gave right in. Where else could you buy a piece of artwork for about $3?


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