Facts about Sarajevo

I had very little knowledge or understanding of Sarajevo before I went.  I know that many of you probably know a lot, but since I've had some questions about the city, I decided I'd share some information that I learned.  I hope it is all accurate.

What country is Sarajevo in?
Bosnia and Herzegovina
That is one country, not two.  Bosnia and Herzegovina are sort of two regions joined as one country, formed as it is now seen today in 1995.

Where is Sarajevo?

Bosnia and Herzegovina is the blue country across the Adriatic Sea from Italy.  Sarajevo is about in the middle.

What language do they speak?

What currency do they use?
konvertibilna marka or KM or marks
As of right now, the conversion rate to American dollars is about 1.5 marks to 1 US dollar.

How many people live in Sarajevo?
Around half a million

How was Sarajevo involved in World War 1?
A Bosnian Serb killed the heir to the Austro-Hungrian throne while he was riding in a carriage down the streets of Sarajevo.  After this, Austria-Hungary threatened Serbia and it eventually turned into a large war as each side continued to call in their allies.

What was the conflict in the early 90s all about?
In the early through middle 1900s, Bosnia and Herzegovina was a part of Yugoslavia, almost a state within the larger country.  In the early 1990s, Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with a couple other "states" such as Croatia and Slovenia declared their independence from Yugoslavia.  The different political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, largely based on ethnicity, did not all agree about leaving the Yugoslav federation, the Serbs in particular.  War broke out within Bosnia and Herzegovina, parties and ethnic groups fighting one another.  The killings were brutal and often targeted civilians.  It is estimated that over 100,000 people lost their lives and nearly two million people were displaced.  In 1995 a treaty was signed between the presidents of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia creating the country as it is now today.

What is the political structure in Bosnia?
There are presidents and a parliament.  There are three presidents, one representing each ethnic group.  They serve on a sort of revolving term, each taking the lead for eight months during their four year term.

There is of course much more to say, and much more that I still do not know or understand, but these are just some basics about the city and country that I recently had the opportunity to visit.


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