The Super Bowl

I absolutely love American football, but in the south, we rule college football.  I watch a NFL game every now and again, typically to catch up on some of my favorite former Auburn University players, but professional football doesn't always peak my interest.  But of course I watch the Super Bowl!  Why?  Usually I really don't care about the teams, as I really don't have a team to pull for; it is all about the commercials!

The Super Bowl does air here, but of course it is very late at night and into the morning.  The other major difference is, when those commercial breaks are on at home, here they have commentators.  I had so much fun today trying to explain that it is not really all about the game: it is about all the other stuff that comes with it!  The half time show!  The National Anthem!  The commercials!  The food and camaraderie you enjoy as you watch the game.  So no, I did not stay up to watch the Super Bowl last night, but I spent a lot of time this morning, even before school, surfing the web to find the best commercials and watching the incredibly electrifying half-time show.  Beyonce and her gang from Destiny's Child were amazing and I must admit that they got me totally pumped up for school this morning.  And yes, "All the Single Ladies," "Halo" and "Independent Women" were playing through my head most of the day.

So, tonight, I know this seems a bit odd, but I decided to share a few of my favorite Super Bowl ads.  There were lots of good ones, as always, but these are my favorite.

And this one tops my list...

Who knew you could cry in a beer commercial?

Thanks to all my friends and family back home who let me know about some of these great ads!  Did I miss your favorite one?


  1. Thanks so much Rebecca. I hadn't seen them either and your collection was great. Also, you're a jerk for making me cry (that Budweiser commercial was really cute).


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