Happy Mardi Gras, y'all!

I love any excuse for a holiday, and of course Mardi Gras is one of my favorites!  I absolutely love New Orleans and I certainly enjoy all of the hoopla that is involved with the celebration there and in Mobile.  I decided I wanted to do a little something to celebrate here, so I decided to make a King Cake!  I love eating King Cake, but I've never actually made one before, so I thought this was as good a time as any to try.

I scoured the internet for recipes that looked relatively simple as I knew my time would be very limited.  I found some that involved Pilsbury Cinnamon Rolls that I didn't think would be quite the same in the stores here, and of course I found several recipes that involved yeast and waiting for it to grow the proper amount.  But alas, those seemed a bit too difficult.  I was about to give up when I found a recipe that involved cans of biscuits.  You're right, I can't get cans of biscuits (American biscuits) here in the stores, but you know what I can get?  Bisquick!  So, I just made a little substitution and it worked out great!

Here's what I did:
Made a recipe of biscuit dough with bisquick and milk
Rolled it out very thin
Painted on melted butter
Spread creamed cheese
Sprinkled cinnamon and sugar
Rolled it up and then "pinched" it into a ring
Baked at about 350 for about 30 minutes

Mixed confectioner (icing) sugar and milk for the icing
Colored sugar with food coloring


I didn't really think about it in time to order the plastic baby to hide inside, plus I wasn't sure if I would be in the staff room when the cake was cut in to, so I was a little concerned someone may chip a tooth, but otherwise, it was pretty close to a good ole southern King Cake!  I hope you found ways to indulge today!


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