Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not nearly as commercialized here as it is back home.  Part of me was very thankful for that and part of me missed it dearly.  I love watching the kids pass out cards to one another and giving and receiving cards with loved ones, and I must admit that I missed that bit of it.  I did not, for quite possibly the first time in my life, mail a single card.  Don't worry, I haven't changed all that much though!  I still wore my pink pants (although I had to be careful and call them my pink trousers!) and my heart earrings, I made heart-shaped cookies and I gave out loads of hugs and kisses (the chocolate kind, of course!).

This evening, I also had a very different Valentine's night.  Tonight, I chaperoned a group of year 6 and 7 (10-12 year olds) to a theater production of a much-loved story, Goodnight Mister Tom.  This story is well-known here, but I had never heard of it before.  As most great stories, it started as a book, then has been written as a play and a film.  It tells the story of a boy, evacuated from London during World War II, who goes to live with "Mr. Tom."  The poignant story dealt with some difficult issues, but it was an incredibly moving play.

In a way, it was the perfect way to spend Valentine's evening: it reminded me, as I watched the beautiful relationship of the boy and the old man develop, that love means so much more than just the love you feel for your parents or your significant other.  Love is a word used to describe those people you truly care about and the ones you know truly care about you.  This holiday is just a reminder to take the time to tell those people that you love them.  I hope that you too take the time to realize all of the love that you have surrounding you!  Happy Valentine's Day!


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