A Spring Walk

This afternoon, with the sun high in the sky surrounded by blue skies, I went for a walk in the woods. It was the first day of the summer term, and while it certainly doesn't feel like summer yet, there's certainly a warmth in the air that shows signs of a spring finally showing her face! I went for a walk through the woods that I had not been to since they were covered in snow. The pathways were much easier to find this time since they weren't covered in several inches of white flakes! The ground was covered in green shoots, signs of new life. I stopped on the path once to watch a small deer who hadn't yet spotted me. She walked lightly across the path before and when she finally took notice of me, lifted up her white tail and darted into the forest. At one point, I believe I came upon the backside of an estate because there were hundreds if not thousands of golden daffodils. What a beautiful way to start this school term.


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