God's Eye

When I was young, one of my favorite crafts was a God's eye.  They were so easy to make, that the only problem seemed to be where to put them all!  The knitting club that Kelly started, and I have kept up, grew quite rapidly, mainly during those colder months when being inside for a club rather than outside during lunchtime was very appealing.  Nevertheless, the club was so large and there were so many children who wanted to create, that I couldn't turn them down, nor could I really teach them all to knit.  So, it just became a creative club.  Children knit, crochet, finger knit, braid or twist, whatever they can do.  Even many boys have come along and made bright colored "extensions" for their hair or tried their hand at knitting.  I was recently reminded of God's eyes and decided that would be a great thing to introduce to the kids.

A few of the girls recognized the craft, but only a very few.  It wasn't long before several tables were full of girls wrapping yarn around popsicle sticks creating their own, unique pieces of art.  It was so much fun to be able to teach them something quickly that they all enjoyed.

One girl, who had not quite finished, took a bit of extra yarn with her when she left.  Another teacher and I passed her in the hallway as school was ending, and the girl almost shrieked telling me it was just about finished; she was so excited.  The other teacher told me how good it was to see her smile, that she hadn't seen that in weeks for she had been very gloomy lately.  It's those little things that make everyday as a teacher worthwhile.  I hope her God's eye will continue to watch over her and bring her joy.


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