Party Night

I'm currently on a river cruise through Holland with the intention of seeing the tulips in bloom. When I booked the cruise, the kind woman on the other end said, "Just so you know, this is usually geared for the forty and over crowd." I assumed that going into things, but that certainly didn't scare me away!

This morning, we sailed across a large lake that used to be part of the North Sea but is now fresh water. Our ship has about eighty passengers on it, and I'm one of a handful who are not retired, wearing hearing aids or using a cane. I was thrilled to find an opportunity where I could see the flowers in bloom but not have to worry about getting from place to place, so this is just perfect.

My three table mates for meals are about 70, and they have been incredible. They've been welcoming, inclusive, lively and fun, I'm honored to get to know them.

Today we went to visit the Het Loo Palace where the Dutch royal family vacationed until about thirty years ago. I learned a great deal about the area and the monarchy that I honestly had no idea about before today. Who knew that this is where the famed William and Mary were rulers? Or that they had a monarchy that had been in the Orange family for hundreds of years?

Tonight was the Captain's Party Night. As on most cruises, there is a certain element of cheesiness that goes along with it all and tonight was no different. However, being the young, single gal, I stuck out like Big Bird. One of the bus drivers kindly asked me to dance, the captain bought me a drink and when it came time for the YMCA, I was in the center of the dance circle doing moves I learned in middle school. We did the conga line to "He's Got the Whole World," a version of the Hokey Pokey I've never done, and a line dance I didn't know to "Achy Breaky Heart." I had an absolute blast! I've stayed up visiting with the captain and crew until the wee hours, and now must get ready to visit what promises to be some glorious gardens tomorrow!


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