Ferry Ride

Back in September, I took a drive to Dover on the southern coast to see the white cliffs. I was so engrossed with the scenery, just following where NavMan told me to go that I barely noticed my trusty navigator was leading me directly onto the ferry loading docks. Thankfully they had an exit for people like me and I was able to turn around and instead view the cliffs from just above, walking along the ridge.

Today, I woke up at a truly unheard of hour to catch my taxi that took me to the bus in Milton Keynes that took me to the ferry I'm currently enjoying. As we pulled away from the Mother Land, I was able to get an extraordinary view of the cliffs along the coast. They are just stunning, even on a hazy day.

I'm headed to Amsterdam by coach where I'll board a cruise ship that I'll be for the next four nights. The ship holds just over 100 passengers and will cruise along the rivers in Holland where I hope to see tulips and daffodils in bloom. I'm thrilled about this trip, excited to see spring and thrilled to have someone else in charge of making sure I get from place to place and providing my meals!:)


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