Earth Day

Earth Day, a day set aside to do good things for our Mother Earth, is often celebrated or recognized at home.  I have done some research and it appears that it is an international day, but no one I spoke with today seemed to know about it.  So, of course, I did my best to share it with my classes.

Our character word this month is responsibility, and I felt that truly went hand in hand with Earth Day.  So, at the start of each lesson we either watched a clip of the Lorax or I shared a quote from the story.  This is one of my very favorite stories.  It was made into a full length motion picture last year, but I have yet to see it.  Dr. Seuss, the marvelous author that he is, did a beautiful job of creating an entertaining story with a very strong message.  His whimsical characters intertwine with a powerful story, reminding us to be responsible for the future and not just think about the here and now and so often what drives us, money.  There's a message of hope there though, that we can bring about a better world for tomorrow.

In case you don't know the story, or if you are like me and can hear it again and again, here's the original cartoon of the story.

It seems fitting that Earth Day falls in spring when the world seems to be so new and full of life.  The children are finally allowed back on the field for the first time since October due to the wet winter weather, and they are making the most of it.  How fitting that two of my girls made me daisy chains today.  I'm happy to be a Flower Child! :)


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