Afternoon Tea at Luton Hoo

After school today, I raced over to the chippy where Angela and Graham swept me up to take me to afternoon tea.  Yes, you're right, rushing out of school to be driven to afternoon tea sounds like a perfect afternoon, and well, it was!

Angela had wanted to visit Luton Hoo, a fancy hotel and spa that was once a grand family estate in Luton, about 30 minutes away.  When she heard they did a grand afternoon tea, she thought of my fondness of the classic British custom and thoughtfully invited me!

The tall, prestigious gates, the long drive lined with old trees, and the surrounding golf course certainly set a tone for the majesty of the place.  Driving up to the house was almost like arriving at Pemberly!

After being properly greeted, we were directed into the "parlor" with a glass ceiling seemingly several stories high, curtains that Maria could make outfits for an entire school for, tapestries that would cover the front of my house, and a fireplace where Santa wouldn't even have to duck!

For afternoon tea, we were seated on (or perhaps in) chairs and a sofa that would have comfortably held a giant.  I could have gotten lost in the cozy cushions that surrounded me!  The soft sound of a gentle piano clearly played throughout the high-ceiling room as small pockets of people enjoyed their conversations with friends and loved ones.

The food was absolutely delectable!  The first layer of sandwiches were all equally lovely: cucumber, goats cheese, turkey and cranberry, egg and salmon.  Why did I eat lunch today?  Our next layer is probably the one I have enjoyed the most: scones.  The scones themselves are much like our biscuits, but they are not the true reason I love this layer so much.  It is in fact the clotted cream and jam that I spread on them that makes them unforgettable!  And if our waistlines weren't already compromised, we then moved on to the final layer of desserts which I was going to try to name all of, but I'm really not even sure of what all they are called.  No bother though, I enjoyed them despite not knowing their name! :)

We toured the grounds and the interior just a bit to walk off a small percentage of our calories and enjoy the grandeur of the place.  It was just beautiful!

Such a treat for a Tuesday afternoon!  I am so very thankful to Angela and Graham and their warm hospitality!


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