
This evening, my kind Scottish neighbors had me over for dinner and a catch-up.  They have been truly wonderful to me this year, but I have not gotten to see them very much lately as we have all been very busy!

Their wee daughter, Molly, is an absolute gem!  She's just recently turned one and is starting to crawl around.  She is a great snuggler, has a gorgeous smile and loves cuddles!  She has been a joy to me this year, a comfort as I'm missing all the little cuddles I get from my cousins back home.  After we played for a bit, I got to help give her her bath, something she loves, and then I got to read her bedtime story to her.  Pam and Mark have read her the same story every night, and I've had the pleasure, several times this year of getting to read it to Molly as well.

After Molly went to bed, we had a lovely dinner, a great chat and lots of laughs.  I've been so very thankful to have neighbors that I can call on, and ones that have been so very warm and welcoming to me.  I'm thankful for technology so that when I return home, I can continue to keep up with the wonderful people that I've met here!


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