
Cricket has been a game that I occasionally see on a film or would sometimes flick by on a channel, but I've never actually watched a game. That all changed this week!

Last night, Lorraine, Bev and I went to watch a 20/20 game of two local teams. I still don't totally understand what that means, but basically it has to do with how many times the team gets to bat and it is a smaller number than usual, so that makes it a shorter game. It was a truly perfect summer's evening and the setting of the cricket pitch in a lovely little village made it all feel very "English."

Today, a crew of Fulbrook teachers went out to the Lashings cricket match. This match was between one of the local teams we saw the night before and a traveling team of retired cricketers from around the world. It was an all day event, in fact we were at the pitch from around 1:30 until 10. Similar to baseball, the game is not very speedy, but the atmosphere more than makes up for that. We brought coolers full of drinks, dips and snacks along with picnic blankets and chairs. The occasional ball flying towards us kept us focused but there was also plenty of time for us to enjoy each other's company and share in a load of laughs. I still have a long way to go, but I think I have the general gist of the game now.

I do believe that my favorite part of the game though was the announcer. The incredibly posh older gentleman did a good job of commentating on the game, but also in his beautiful accent commented on many other aspects of the day such as the abundance of the white butterflies, the first pigeon that flew over the field, the lovely straw hat a lady in the crowd was wearing and the succulent sponge cake that was seducing him. And thanks to Bev, whose son was playing and husband was umpiring, I even had a nice shout out wishing me a safe journey home!

After the game, much of the crowd dispersed, but we stayed until after the sun went down joining in a child's game of cricket, enjoying the swing on the playground, meeting the captain of England's cricket team and enjoying one another's company.

Bev, Alison, Lorraine and I with Alastair Cook the captain of the English cricket team!
It was a truly fantastic day-the weather was perfect, I was with some fantastic people and I got to do a very British thing that I had really wanted to do! I really will miss this beautiful country!


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