Gulliver's Land

Today, on the second to last day of school, we celebrated a great year by rewarding the kids.  Each year group (grade) did a special activity such as a nearby theme park or swimming complex.  The Year 5s went to a place in Milton Keynes called Gulliver's Land.  It is a small theme park, just the right size for us!  

The park is truly the right size for our Year 5s; most of them were able to ride a majority of the rides without an adult and yet the rides were still very enjoyable for the kids.  The park was fairly small - you could walk from one corner to another corner in a matter of minutes - but packed with rides.  There were very few people there and so on most of the rides, the kids got to just stay on the rides they enjoyed repeating them over and over.

My group of 11 children that I looked after was really spectacular.  At first, we had a hard time balancing the group dynamics of who wanted to go where, but they soon figured it out and everyone went along well together and made some compromises.  I really enjoyed spending the day with them and was very proud of their behavior.

I'm not a big theme park person as my uneasy stomach has a hard time on most of the rides, but I accompanied several short children on roller coasters, bike rides through the tree tops, and of course bumper cars, and had a great time doing it!  Although my favorite, as it always seems to be, was the swings.  No, not just swings on a playground, although they too are lovely, but those swings that go up into the air and swing out to the side.  I don't know what it is about those swings, but they feel so incredibly peaceful - flying with so little effort!

It was a great way to celebrate the near-end of a a great year at Fulbrook!


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