Sports Day

Two weeks ago, Sports Day was scheduled on a Friday afternoon.  Unfortunately, I was in Belfast that day and very sad to be missing out on this special event.  Thankfully, I had the weather on my side and the event was rained out and rescheduled for today.  It turned out to be a truly glorious day!

The morning was a seemingly normal day of lessons before an early lunch and a full afternoon of races.  The children were all decked out in their red, green or blue supporting their perspective houses, and while it is difficult for me to wear red because of my in-state rival, I donned the red shirt proudly supporting my house of Ruby.

I loved watching the kids, full of smiles, running their hardest while being cheered on by a host of parents, staff members and their fellow housemates.  The year 8 pupils, participating in their final Sports Day, were some of the best supporters, leading their teams on with cheers and excitement.

Ruby was in the lead for a while, but ended up coming in second place behind Emerald but ahead of Sapphire.

It was a fun afternoon of accomplishment for children breaking school records or personal bests while everyone showed some wonderful Fulbrook spirit!  I'm so glad the weather was so rotten two weeks ago! :)


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