Afternoon Tea

To celebrate the end of a wonderful year, I wanted to take Charlotte and Gemma to one of my favorite local places: Woburn Abbey.  I've now been there at least half a dozen times, and I love feeling so comfortable at such a lovely place.

We started off thoroughly enjoying our three layers of delicious food, not realizing how quickly the time was passing before we had to run off to visit the house before it closed.  The home is a lovely home, as are so many here, but I must say that even though it is still lived in, you get to see more of it than most of the other homes I've visited, including the room Queen Victoria once visited, leaving behind some sketches that she did.  There is artwork in the home that I have seen in history books and one painting of a child with a cockatoo that thoroughly impresses me.  It's not because the painting is all that impressive, but rather because cockatoos are native to Australia and when the portrait was painted, Australia had not yet been discovered... incredible, right?  I love hearing the stories there of how afternoon tea came to be and learn about what life must have been like for the family through the generations.  I also love hearing about how the family used to be Earls, but then one of the Earls was accused of treason and beheaded.  Later on, it was proven that he was not involved and since the king couldn't really replace his head, instead gave them the title of Duke.  It is truly a beautiful estate, and I thoroughly loved showing it off to Charlotte and Gemma.

There was also a special exhibit on at the estate that peaked our interest: an exhibit of dresses from the show, Strictly Come Dancing which is the British version of Dancing the with Stars.  Now, even though I haven't watched a single episode, seeing custom made dancing dresses is always a treat!  What fabulous spin factor they had!  :) So much fun!

Unfortunately, the rain kept us from really enjoying gardens, but we've had such lovely weather, I certainly can't complain!

We popped over to see Charlotte's brand new, lovely home that she moved into YESTERDAY and then enjoyed a girly night of Indian food, bubbly and a classic Dolly Parton movie, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.  It was a wonderfully girly day and a great way to spend some time together right here at the end of my year here.  These girls have helped to make my year here so much fun and such a delight!  I will always treasure their friendship, and I'm eager to see them again on either this side of the pond, or "my" side! :)


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