Last Day of School

I must be honest that I was kind of dreading today, mainly because of the good byes that I would have to say.  Although they were very difficult, the day was "practically perfect in every way."

After an assembly this morning, we finished watching The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which we recently read, then I read Oh, the Places You'll Go to the kids before their extended break time.  The staff room was overflowing with goodies, of which I enjoyed many!  The next part of the day in the classroom was spent playing games that the kids had brought in and many helpful kids assisting me in tidying up the room.

During our lunch time, my last lunch time in the staff room, we spent much of our time carefully planning out exactly how we are all meeting up tomorrow for the cricket match - where are we parking, who will be driving and how will everyone get from one place to another.  Thankfully, I believe it is settled and we, weather permitting, should have a great day out tomorrow!

Most of the afternoon was spent in an awards ceremony where kids were honored for achievements they had made throughout the year and the year 8s were praised for their four years at the school.  It was a lovely way to end the year, honoring all of those who worked so hard and achieved so many great things.

With the little bit of time left back in the classroom, per my pupils' request, we did "The Cotton-Eyed Joe" and I had time to teach them the "Cupid Shuffle."  They loved it and I thoroughly enjoyed dancing right up until 3:30 with them.  What a lovely way for us to end our time together!  The kids were generally very well behaved today, very appreciative of their little gifts and said very thoughtful goodbyes.

After school, to celebrate a great year, the staff had an afternoon tea!  It was absolutely lovely and FULL of food.  Each of us that are leaving were honored with a short speech from the head teacher, and we were given a little token and a thoughtful card signed by the staff.  I told them, in my blubbering way, that it had been very hard to say goodbye to my friends and family back home, but that it was also going to be very difficult to say goodbye to my Fulbrook family.  They have welcomed me with open arms, helped me when I felt utterly confused, supported me and given me many, many reasons to laugh!  What an honor it has been to be placed at Fulbrook!

I was absolutely inundated with gifts today from pupils and staff alike.  Several of my treasures were very thoughtful gifts such as a bracelet with cut outs of a map of the UK, a purple cat knitted handmade by two girls, a small pillow sewn by one of my girls, an afternoon tea cookbook, several British tins, a small stuffed owl with a Fulbrook tie, a handmade sign made of small scrabble tiles, a stuffed animal of a local bird that has made me laugh and the many, many thoughtful notes that I received.

I am quite emotionally drained today, but it really was a wonderful last day of school!


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