
Typically, the job of a chaperone is to watch over the children and make sure that they behave and no one gets hurt.  I hope that the adults at my middle and high school events had as much fun as we do.  I also hope the kids enjoyed themselves have as much as we did tonight!

The Year 8s are less than a week away from leaving the school and moving on to upper schools.  They will be splitting up going to many different schools in the area.  Tonight, we celebrated those kids who have been together at the school for four years.  A dozen or so teachers went to chaperone and cheer on the children as we honored them tonight.

We were at a neighboring village this evening, a lovely village hall with a large green field, perfect for all sorts of sports.  I had so much fun watching as the children arrived - girls all dressed up and attempting to walk in heels.  Most of them chose beautiful, tasteful dresses, and although many looked much older than thirteen, they chose dresses perfect for a thirteen year old.  I was very impressed.  The boys, looking smart in their dark shirts and bright-colored ties grouped together and admired the cool cars that delivered their mates.  The kids, too, enjoyed watching everyone arrive, commenting on each other's choice of clothing and what not.

Pizza was served before the awards were given out.  Every child got an award.  Many of them were for funny, quirky things, and many had to do with the hidden talents we all saw during the play.  The children all helped to cheer on their fellow classmates and seemed thrilled with their own rewards.  Then, it was time for a quick change: suddenly the dining area turned into the dance floor.  Most of the children disappeared to the green field outside, but that just meant the dance floor was open for us!

Vanessa and Lorraine twisting the night away
The kids did finally join in, even enjoying some of my dance moves to "Call Me Maybe."  We did the Cotton-Eyed Joe which many of the Year 8s remembered from their time in American Studies.  When the Macarena came on, I had a flashback of my 13th birthday.  I remember that my mom had searched for the CD which had just come out, making sure she had the correct version.  (I'm so luck to have her!)  I love that the dance is still just as popular.  We also did the Cha-Cha Slide and the YMCA; I love how classics really never go out of style!

"Call Me Maybe"
When the balloons were released, most of the kids tried to pop as many as possible, but we played that wonderful, age-old game of "don't let it touch the ground!"  Oh, how the kids missed out on such a great game, but the teachers had a wonderful volley!

After doing some tidying up, four of us loaded back into Lorraine's car and continued the high we were all on with rolling down the windows and singing songs all the way home.  We started with "Country Roads," but moved into a variety of songs including "I Will Survive," "Tomorrow," and "She'll be Coming Round the Mountain."

Oh, what a truly fabulous night!  I signed up offering to be a chaperone... who knew I'd have so much fun! :)


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