Lovely Things

This morning, just after waking up, I went for a walk in the woods.  I wish I did that more often, as it is truly a lovely time to get out and see the world as it, too, is fresh and ready for a new day.  I saw a handful of rabbits, a muntjac deer, and glorious morning glories all beginning their day.  The birds were chirping, no doubt out hunting for the worm, but otherwise, the woods were utterly silent.

On one of the paths, I could easily tell that I was the first one to trespass upon it.  It is a narrow path between the housing estate and a large field, and it is apparently where spiders enjoy building their webs.  I collected a massive amount of the sticky string even after putting my hand out in front of me.  I do hope no one saw me as I walked down the path, probably looking as if I was saluting Hitler as I walked.  But I couldn't get these determined spiders down.  When I returned down this same path a half hour later, I walked through several more spider webs that had surely not been there before.

On my walk, at the edge of the wood, I came across this laminated card stuck behind the dedication name on a bench.

I thought it was just beautiful - what a lovely memorial to someone, reminding us all to take in the beauty around us, even before the "best and brightest years have passed."

Take time to enjoy the many lovely things around you!


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